U5 - Assembly of prefabricated concrete elements for assembly supervisor and assembly foreman – Physical course

Quality Hotel Olavsgaard, Hvamstubben 11, 2013 Skjetten Member of Betong Norge 18.600,- Not member of Betong Norge 22.600,- Pluss mva To participate in this English U5-course you must have attended and completed the English U3-cource. This course can be taken at the Norwegian Concrete Association from March 31 to April 3 or at a late date. 10 rooms are reserved from May 5-8. Those who wish to stay must refer to code BK-03030 to get the stated price of 1380 per night. The deadline for booking a room is April 17. Påmeldingsfrist April 10 – Contact nm@betong.no for registration after this date.

Target group

The target group for the course are people who work with assembly of prefabricated elements on a daily basis, and who are intended/have a management function/responsible role in this context.

Prior knowledge

The requirement for prior knowledge is basic experience from assembly work and/or has higher education in the construction trades. Please contact the association if you have any questions about this. Those who satisfy the requirements given in NSEN13670, and in the Concrete Training Council's (Betongopplæringsrådet) elaboration of this, will be issued a certificate of competence by the Concrete Training Council (Betongopplæringsrådet). The certificate documents competence as an assembly manager or assembly foreman.

To participate in this English U5-course you must have attended and completed the English U3-cource. This course can be taken at the Norwegian Concrete Association from March 31 to April 3. Read more and register here

Learning objectives

Assembly work with prefabricated concrete elements and composite structures must take place within safe and rational frameworks, and within the requirements for competence described in NS-EN 13670.

The purpose of the course is to ensure that the assembly manager and the foreman have the necessary knowledge and attitudes. The target group for the course is personnel who work with assembly on a daily basis, and who are intended/have a management function/responsible role in this context.

Course length

The course length is five days including e-learning and final exam. Betong Norge's course includes course content corresponding to one of the days being completed as e-learning prior to the assembly so that the assembly is completed within one working week. Access to the e-learning will be given approximately 10 days before the start of the course. Everyone receives an email with information about access. The course is designed so that both the assembly manager and assembly foreman can follow the same course.

Exam / course certificate

The exam must be passed and the course participant must document sufficient formal competence and practice in order for a certificate of competence to be issued.

Course lecturer

Lecturers from Heidelberg Material Prefab AS, Spenncon AS, Mapei AS, Betong Norge and Aak Safety AS

Hotel / accommodation

Quality Hotel Olavsgaard


Member 18.600,- Non-member 22.600,- plus VAT

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